在充满狂乱且略带忧伤的夜晚,一对夫妇痛失可爱的幼子尼克。这件事给他们以莫大的打击,也让这段原本便矛盾暗生的婚姻走向崩溃边缘。妻子(夏洛特?甘斯布 Charlotte Gainsbourg 饰)久久沉浸悲痛中无法自拔,身为心理咨询师丈夫(威廉?达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)一方面希望弥合破裂的婚姻,另一方面试图通过心理疏导让妻子忘记过去。最终,他们决定前往位于伊登(Eden)森林的小木屋中缓释...
Brother's Blood takes place on the mean streets of a city in decay, where a recently released convict begins to take murderous revenge against his childhood friends, whom he believes let him take ...
侯爵夫人梅特伊(格伦·克洛斯 Glenn Close 饰)和恶名昭彰的浮华浪子瓦尔蒙(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)是两个在情场可互相匹敌的朋友,利用性当作武器,去抵毁对方的名誉与地位。一日,梅特伊提出让瓦尔蒙去勾引16岁的贵族少女塞西尔(乌玛·瑟 曼 U ma Thurman 饰),使其失身从而身败名裂。而瓦尔蒙却认为这样太缺乏挑战,他非但引诱了纯洁的塞西尔。还追加赌注...
Marie Richardson leads the star ensemble in a heart-warming homage to all mothers, reminding us that it’s never too late for a fresh start in life. All the old friends are invited to Karin (Richard...
Family Time is a 2023 comedy-drama film written and directed by Tia Kouvo in her feature directorial debut. Starring Leena Uotila, Ria Kataja, Elina Knihtil? and Tom Wentzel, the film follows an annua...