When Star returns to her home dimension, she discovers that magic is disappearing throughout the kingdom. Star must dig deep and challenge her arch nemesis Ludo in an effort to save her family and kin...
When Star Butterfly destroys her wand to save her best friend Marco Diaz, a new unicorn takes place of the dead one. Now Star only has half of the star on her wand and it has been cleaved. She needs a...
A team-building conference for municipal employees which turns into a nightmare when accusations of corruption begin to circulate and plague the work environment. At the same time, a mysterious figure...
距离孤山越来越近,矮人远征军的道路却变得异常艰险。他们躲过了苍白半兽人的不懈追杀,在幽暗密林前和甘道夫(伊恩·麦凯伦 Ian McKellen 饰)兵分两路,后者前往多尔哥多探寻索伦的动向,而霍比特人比尔博·巴金斯(马丁·弗里曼 Martin John C. Freeman 饰)和矮人们先是遭到巨大蜘蛛的袭击,随后又被精灵王子莱戈拉斯(奥兰多·布鲁姆 Orlando Bloom 饰)及其木精灵...