A college student finds herself caught up in a circle of young women enjoying the high life and funding their dreams by "socializing" with a jet set crowd of older men until one girl turns u...
贝斯(艾米莉亚·琼斯 Emilia Jones 饰)和维拉(泰勒·希克森 Taylor Hickson 饰)是个性大相径庭的两姐妹,两人跟随母亲前往亲戚家留下的别墅居住,谁知道一家人却被两个变态盯上了。在母亲的奋勇抗争下,贝斯和维拉逃过一劫,长大后,贝斯将自己的这一段经历 写成了一本小说,并因此一炮而红,成为了畅销作家榜上的常客。与此同时,这段恐怖的回忆带给维拉的却是毁灭性的打击,她整日将自己锁在...
A small town is haunted by the twin daughters of a wrongfully convicted man. Young Jordan is sent down the path to who the real killer is only to find the killer is very close to her....
TUCKED is a raw and tender drama about an aging 80 year old drag queen who forms an unlikely friendship with a younger queen, both struggling with their own issues of gender identity and mortality. As...
尼克·卡西迪(萨姆·沃辛顿 Sam Worthington 饰)曾经是一名正直负责的警察,却因涉嫌盗窃4000万美元的钻石而获刑25年监禁。他唯一一个离开监狱的机会就是参加父亲葬礼,并在葬礼上趁机逃跑。然而令人不解的是,他并没有出境,而是到曼哈顿酒店开了个24楼的房间,精心擦洗一番后,只为在最繁华的纽约的注视中坠楼。他的举动很快引来了大批警察和媒体,一名年轻的谈判专家莉迪亚(伊丽莎白·班克斯 ...