The three-part limited series will follow Emily Maitlis’ professional and personal journey as a Newsnight journalist, leading up to her acclaimed interview with Prince Andrew. In Prince Andrew’s di...
From his humble origins to becoming champion of the world, this documentary series recounts the life and career of the iconic Argentinian soccer player....
凯(约翰·卡萨维兹 John Cassavetes 饰)有着一个外表单薄脆弱的妻子罗斯玛丽(米亚·法罗 Mia Farrow 饰),自从他们搬到新公寓后,凯就和邻居一对老夫妇相谈甚欢。而罗斯玛丽却并不特别喜欢这对邻居,令她感到不适的,还有接下来的一连串怪事。
罗斯玛丽看 到了自杀的女人,在日渐诡异的生活气氛下,她还做着毛骨悚然的梦。梦中,有一个长毛怪物侵犯自己,罗斯玛丽从噩梦中醒来不久,竟得...