故事发生在1921年的英格兰,在一战中所经历的失败令压抑而又沉痛的气氛笼罩了在全国上下。弗洛伦斯(丽贝卡·豪尔 Rebecca Hall 饰)是一位打假义士,正义感极强的她将戳穿谎言揭露真相视为己任,她不相信世间有鬼魂存在,存在的只有险恶的人心。 在一所男子寄宿学校中,盛传着闹鬼的传闻,在人们口中,一个非正常死亡的男孩的鬼魂终日徘徊在校园中不肯离去。为了打消学生和家长的恐惧,学校委托弗洛伦斯前来...
Two dysfunctional couples rent a modern luxury desert home for the weekend hoping to sort out their messed-up lives. Just as they are about to settle in for a fun night, a neighbour turns up at thei...
随着一位有精神问题的“连环律师”的到来,化妆师“芬奇·达”平静的生活被打乱。在道德、法律与人性面前,他将面临艰难的抉择。 A passionate make-up artist has his life turned upside down when a psychopathic "serial lawyer" takes an interest in his work ...