The Doctor faces the end of his life as the Master's plans hurtle out of control. With the sound of drums growing louder, and an ancient trap closing around the Earth, the Doctor and Wilf must fig...
“The Star”只是个工作代号,并不是这部影片的正式片名。该片原名《羔羊》(The Lamb),由奥斯卡提名动画短片《头朝下的生活》(Head Over Heels)导演蒂莫西·雷克阿特(Timothy Reckart)执导,以一头勇敢的小驴子和他的动物伙伴为主角,从他们的角度描述了耶稣降生的故事。以布偶电影而著称的吉姆·汉森公司(The Jim Henson Company)将和索尼动画一起...
Three months after the Frobisher settlement, Patty is concentrating on establishing a charitable foundation when an old boyfriend, named Daniel Purcell, contacts her and entangles her in a new case ...