The Doctor faces the end of his life as the Master's plans hurtle out of control. With the sound of drums growing louder, and an ancient trap closing around the Earth, the Doctor and Wilf must fig...
1976年,乔(尹成植 饰)的父母因为卷入洛杉矶的贩毒生意而遭到杀害,当时尚为幼儿的乔幸运的被杀手麦克斯(凯斯·大卫 Keith David 饰)救走,并在后者的严苛训练下成长,十一年前,和乔一起长大亲如兄弟的迈尔斯(Bokeem Woodbine 饰)不辞而别,而之后的乔成为了一名杀手。乔接受了一单以女歌星安琪儿为目标的新任务,但他惊异的发现,安琪儿的保镖居然是多年来杳无音信的迈尔斯。乔只得推掉...
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, returns home to find his father murdered and his mother remarrying the murderer, his uncle. Meanwhile, war is brewing....