初来乍到的鞋子设计师凯丽(詹妮弗·格雷 Jennifer Grey 饰)过着拮据的生活,她不仅在事业上郁郁不得志,更不得不受三名室友的气。一次偶然中,凯丽帮助了一个落难的妇人,没想妇人摇身一变成为了神奇的魔女,她施法让凯丽设计的一双高跟鞋拥有了魔力,只要凯丽穿上它,既能够变成美若天仙的完美女性。 一日,凯丽穿着这双魔鞋来到设计师萨尔维托(罗伯·劳 Rob Lowe 饰)举办的晚会,光芒四射的凯丽...
佛蒙特州的四个州警:队长桑尼(杰伊•钱德拉萨卡 Jay Chandrasekhar 饰)、队员迈克(史蒂夫•雷米 Steve Lemme 饰)、拉比特(艾瑞克•斯图汉斯克 Erik Stolhanske 饰)以及福斯特(保罗•索特 Paul Soter 饰)是一班不务正业的高速公路活宝,他们戏弄抽大麻的孩子,乔装后开着违章车辆飙车赌博,为了争夺路边的不明女尸案查办权利和市警打的不可开交……政府...
Antoine was raised into the easy life by his very rich grandfather. After the death of his grandfather the money has gone and Antoine falls under the influence of various easy people....
This is story about a dentist with the talent of painlessly extracting teeth, and what happens to him as a result of being naturally good at his job. It is told with humour (much of it quite subtle,...
A funny and irresistible story of a young girl who literally cannot see or hear her mother, even though she is living with her under the same roof. With the help of an eccentric psychiatrist, and a ...