黑帮老大艾迪?金策划了一起凶杀案,被偶然路过的年轻人西恩?琼斯(Nathan Phillips 饰)目击。为了在法庭上成功指控这个作恶多端的黑社会头子,警方派出资深联邦密探尼维利?费恩(Samuel L. Jackson 饰)负责保护西恩,并将其从夏威夷护送至洛杉矶法庭。为避免证人遇害,尼维利采取声东击西的策略,与西恩偷偷乘上一架普通的红眼航班。
The film describes the events leading up to, and including, the massacre of the adults of a small town in Nebraska by their children, after the adults' irresponsibility ruins the crop and the chil...
丧尸病毒爆发已经五年了,人们渐渐觉得丧尸的威胁开始减弱。R-Division部队里的男人和女人们,发现了丧尸病毒二次爆发的迹象。如果这种情况真的发生,那么人类可能面临无法生存的境地。Because this project is categorized as being in production, the data is subject to change; some data could be...