贾维(路易斯·赫拉尔多·门德斯 Luis Gerardo Méndez 饰)、芭比(卡拉·苏扎 Karla Olivares 饰)和查(Juan Pablo Gil 饰)是情同手足的三兄妹。他们都是衔着金汤匙出生的富二代,在成长的过程中心安理得的享受着父亲吉曼(贡萨洛·维加 Gonzalo Vega 饰)用辛勤的劳动所换来的果实。时间久了,三个年轻人难免养成了养尊处优好吃懒做的乖僻性格。 吉...
贫苦的冉·阿让(休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 饰)为了挨饿的孩子去偷面包,结果被判处19年的苦役。出狱后,走投无路的他偷走了收留他过夜的主教的银器潜逃,被警察捉回。主教声称银器是送给他的,使他免于被捕。主教的言行感化了他,他化名马德兰,从此洗心革面奋发向上开始新生活。但缉拿过他的警长沙威(罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe 饰)却一心要找他麻烦。在得知了芳汀(安妮·海瑟薇 Anne H...
In the Alpine village of Tolzbad in the 1800s, the townsfolk talk quietly and restrain their movements lest they incur avalanches. This atmosphere lends itself to repressed emotions - shown through ...
What if you came home one day to find some weirdo living in your house What if that weirdo, in a barely understandable language, explained that he was your son But you knew for a fact you had no child...