Jim Gordon and Bruce Wayne face the chaos Gotham City has become, as villains who survived the attack on the city begin to resurface and claim various territories; Selina Kyle grapples with how to d...
Poole’s untimely and tragic demise brings Humphrey Goodman to the beautiful island of Saint Marie as the new Detective Inspector. But while he enthusiastically embraces Caribbean life, his new team of...
Sarah Lancashire returns in the acclaimed BBC thriller written by Sally Wainwright. No-nonsense police sergeant Catherine Cawood is back heading up her team of dedicated police officers in the Calder ...
第二季第一集承接上一季最后一集的剧情,从被炸弹和狙击枪威胁的夏洛克(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 Benedict Cumberbatch 饰)和华生(马丁·弗瑞曼 Martin Freeman 饰)和莫里亚蒂(安德鲁·斯科特 Andrew Scott 饰)第一次正式会面开始。 接着夏洛克在接受白金汉宫一份重要委托的案件中遇到了亦正亦邪的神秘女子艾琳·艾德勒(拉娜·普尔弗 Lara Pulver 饰),一...