《非常病患》是部别具一格、鼓舞人心的新剧集,故事主角是患有轻度脑瘫的男同性恋莱恩,他决定改写自我身份,并最终追求自己向往的生活。经过多年没有前途的实习,穿着睡衣当博主并主要通过文字进行交流,莱恩最终找到改变凄凉,迎来光芒的出路,开始磕磕绊绊长大成人。这部标新立异的喜剧改编自剧集创剧人兼主演的莱恩·欧康纳的半自传书籍《我很特别:以及我们告诉自己的其他谎言》(I’m Special: And Othe...
think the show has potential. It has a good story line so far. It will be interesting to see the story progress as the season continues. I like the actors playing Krista and Marcus. They have nic...
Get ready to return to Southfork for "Dallas" Season 3 this winter. With the tagline "Nobody does bad like the Ewings," TNT has alerted fans that Get ready to return to Southfork f...