Gilmore Girls is an American comedy-drama series created by Amy Sherman-Palladino, www. starring Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel. On October 5, 2000, the series debuted on the WB t...
In the Golden Age of Piracy, at the dawn of the 18th century, Blackbeard stood out among the lawless rogues as the most fearsome and notorious seafarer of them all. He killed for the reputation, and h...
When Chicago Fire showrunner Matt Olmstead told Lauren German that hercharacter was going to be killed off the hit NBC drama, there was one silver lining. "She's not going to miss the Chicago...
Brought to Los Angeles for treatment, a recovering junkie soon learns that the rehab center is not about helping people, but a cover for a multi-billion-dollar fraud operation that enlists addicts to ...
Henry is an introverted architect. After the death of his wife in a car accident, he sets out to help Millie, a homeless teen, to build a raft to sail across the Atlantic....
In advance of the D-Day Landings, paratroopers from the US 82nd Airborne Division are dropped behind enemy lines to capture strategic positions. One such location is near the town of Ste Mere Eglise w...
Apple TV+预定半小时双语喜剧《阿卡普尔科 Acapulco》。
这是一部西班牙语-英语剧集,Eugenio Derbez担任执行制片并出演,灵感来自他主演的电影《如何做一名拉丁情人 How to Be A Latin Lover》。