An off-the-wall comedy set in the world of the Bystanders - invisible immortals who watch over their human subjects and intervene in (or interfere with) their lives....
影片讲述男孩汤马克(欧拉夫·鲁巴斯赞科 Olaf Lubaszenko饰)用天文望远镜偷窥住在对面公寓大厦的女人玛格达(格拉齐娜·扎波罗斯卡 Grazyna Szapolowska饰),不知不觉中迷恋上她的故事。她的一举一动都使汤马克魂牵梦绕,她的一颦一笑更是牵动他所有的神经。透过望远镜,汤马克看到玛格达和男人做爱的情景,迟迟不敢示爱。直到他看到她痛哭失意的时候,汤马克才鼓足勇气提出邀约。可玛...
As the Fifteenth Doctor, played by Ncuti Gatwa, takes over the TARDIS for his first epic adventure he will be joined by Ruby Sunday, played by Millie Gibson, as she makes her debut as the Doctor’s c...
It tells the story of a therapy group that is forced to confront the monsters of their past when an isolated weekend retreat tests their emotional resilience and ability to survive....
在电影院打工的大学生玛格特(艾米莉亚·琼斯 Emilia Jones 饰)结识经常来看电影的男子罗伯特(尼可拉斯·博朗 Nicholas Braun 饰),二人的感情慢慢升温。前者渐渐发现后者身上的一些警告信号,其中一个就是自称“爱猫之人”的罗伯特,根本就没有养猫。玛格特需要找到安全脱离这段关系的办法。...
故事发生在繁华的大都市纽约,这里的生活对于年幼的女孩梅奇(阿娜塔·阿普洛 Onata Aprile 饰)来说却并不轻松。梅奇的母亲苏珊娜(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)是一个过气的摇滚明星,年老色衰的她日日郁郁寡欢,陷入愤怒的情绪中无法自拔,苏珊娜的丈夫比尔(史蒂夫·库根 Steve Coogan 饰)则是一个神经质的艺术品商人,两人的婚姻早已名存实亡,而梅奇的存在让他们都不甘心...