Fact-based story about a 1975 cover-up of a shooting by two white members of the Boston Tactical Unit. While on stakeout on a suspected getaway car used in a armed robbery, the two gunned down a black...
韦斯顿(约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 饰)的前妻去世了,带着小女儿琳恩(Courtney Chase 饰),悲伤的父女二人远赴洛杉矶,准备参加前妻的葬礼。令韦斯顿没有想到的是,刚刚抵达目的地,他和女儿便遭到了绑架。绑架他们的一男一女分别名叫史密斯(克里斯托弗·沃肯 Christopher Walken 饰)和琼斯(罗马·玛菲娅 Roma Maffia 饰)。
You are never fully liberated from Auschwitz, 11 July 2016
Author: Red-125 from Upstate New York
The French movie "à la vie" was shown in the U.S. with the translated title "To Li...