这一次,破坏王拉尔夫(约翰·C·赖利 John C. Reilly 配音)和云妮洛普(萨拉·丝沃曼 Sarah Silverman 配音)又闯祸了,导致了云妮洛普所在的游戏《甜蜜冲刺》的游戏机方向盘遭到了损坏。这是一台非常古老的街机,在整个互联网中,只有一只备用方向盘正在销售,然而它的售价实在是非常昂贵,老板决定放弃这台机器,将它解体变卖。这也就意味着,《甜蜜冲刺》里的角色们将永远失去他们的家园。...
可爱的小女孩莱莉(凯特林·迪亚斯 Kaitlyn Dias 配音)出生在明尼苏达州一个平凡的家庭中,从小她在父母的呵护下长大,脑海中保存着无数美好甜蜜的回忆。当然这些记忆还与几个莱莉未曾谋面的伙伴息息相关,他们就是人类的五种主要情绪:乐乐(艾米·波勒 Amy Poehl er 配音)、忧忧(菲利丝·史密斯 Phyllis Smith 配音)、怕怕(比尔·哈德尔 Bill Hader 配音)、厌厌(...
This popular animated television cartoon featured two Stone Age families, the Flintstones and their neighbors, the Rubbles. Much of the humor was based on its comic portrayals of modern conveniences, ...
The film tells futurist, architect, and inventor R. Buckminster Fuller's incredible story through two teens hoping to get laid, become punk gods, and survive high school....