An urban love story set on the hard streets of the Bronx. A struggling female Pimp, named Wednesday, grows up learning the game from her dad. Once he's gone she's left to look out for her pros...
故事发生在上世纪的六十年代,布莱恩(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)是乐队“海滩男孩”的队长。布莱恩极富魅力,才华横溢,唱作俱佳,在他的带领下,乐队很快就在业内赢得了不菲的声誉,稳坐畅销榜的首位。
乐队的扬名立万带来的却是一桩桩的麻烦和排山倒海而来的压力,最终,布莱恩不堪重负,精神濒临崩溃的边缘。就在这时,布莱恩遇见了名为尤金(保罗·吉亚玛提 Paul Giamatti 饰)的精神...
"Back Roads" centers on a young man stuck in the Pennsylvania backwoods caring for his three younger sisters after the shooting death of his abusive father and the arrest of his mother. Fami...
比尔(杰里米•希尔伯德 Jeremy Theobald 饰)是个游手好闲的作家,借跟踪陌生人打发时间。这让他体验到形形色色的人生,很神秘,也很刺激。不过,有一次,比尔盯上了一个西服革履的家伙克布(艾利克斯•浩尔 Alex Haw 饰)。尾随到餐厅之后,他却被对方识破,只得摊牌。克布是个贩卖盗版光碟的商贩,此外还做拧门撬锁的勾当。克布带着比尔潜入了陌生人家中,但比尔发现克布根本不取财物,而是寻找...