麦克墨菲(杰克·尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰)为了逃避监狱里的强制劳动,装作精神异常,被送进了精神病院,他的到来,给死气沉沉的精神病院带来了剧烈的冲击。
麦克要求看棒球比赛的电视转播,挑战了医院严格的管理制度,受到护士长瑞秋(路易丝·弗莱彻 Louise Fletcher 饰)的百般阻挠;麦克带领病人出海捕鱼,振奋了 他们的精神,却让院方头痛不已。院方为了惩处麦克胆大妄为、屡犯院规,...
A criminal story set in the 1980s. Robert, a young policeman "out of principle", finds a serial gay killer. In the course of the investigation, he meets Arek. She decides to use him as an in...
A woman disguises herself as her dead brother, Henry, in order to survive in the Confederate ranks during the Civil War. He marries a widow to rescue her from an arranged marriage. They keep each othe...