A psychological drama centered around world-famous turn-of-the-century photographer, Eadweard Muybridge who photographed nude and deformed subjects, became the godfather of cinema, murdered his wife's...
A writer who studies the paranormal believes that low frequency tactile sound is the cause for reported ghost sightings in an abandoned subway station. In an attempt to debunk the sightings, she break...
纽约市一场灾难性的核爆炸后,乔什(米洛·文提米利亚 Milo Ventimiglia 饰)、米奇(迈克尔·比恩 Michael Biehn 饰)、玛丽琳(罗姗娜·阿奎特 Rosanna Arquette 饰)、萨姆(罗姗娜·阿奎特 Rosanna Arquette 饰)、达尔文(考特尼·万斯 Courtney B. Vance 饰)、伊娃(劳伦·日尔曼 Lauren German 饰)、艾德里安(...