Centers on Maddie, a party girl and a highly functioning addict who makes the difficult decision to live with other recovering addicts at a rehab facility, while facing the daily pressures of her teen...
《唯一继承者》(英语:Taste of Love)(原剧名《蜜唐滋味)、《唯一继承人》),2015年TVBS欢乐台第七部原创概念剧,为台视周五优质戏剧。由张睿家、宋芸桦、杨晴、戴祖雄领衔主演。该剧于2015年8月开镜。
Everyone struggles to adjust to life without Marissa. Dealing with her death in the only way he knows how, Ryan has moved out of the Cohen house. When Ryan misses a special dinner, Seth finds him in...
De la veille de l’arrivée de François Mitterrand au pouvoir le 10 mai 1981 à l’adoption de la loi Taubira sur le mariage promulguée le 18 mai 2013 et votée le 23 avril, Fiertés s'intéresse à une...