汤姆琼斯(阿尔伯特·芬尼 Albert Finney 饰)本为私生子,后被一绅士收养,他天性热情奔放,模样又生得风流俊朗,庄园主的女儿索菲亚(苏珊娜·约克 Susannah York 饰)同他坠入情网,后遭到表弟比菲尔(大卫·沃纳 David Warner 饰)的插足干涉,一番纠葛之后,声名狼藉的汤姆琼斯决定离开家乡,去外面的世界寻找属于自己的天地。 汤姆离开后没多久,伤心的索菲亚便也踏上了...
When Owen is forced to confront the past he's been running from his whole adult life, he and his girlfriend, Isabel, become entangled in a horrifying web of lies, deceit and murder....
伯尼(杰克·布莱克 Jack Black 饰)是德州小镇迦太基的殡仪师,他专业技术过硬,为人厚道、慷慨、热心公益、在教堂担任领唱还参加社区剧团演出,赢得小镇所有人的欢心,但他始终单身,被人猜测要么奉承独身主义,要么是个基佬。镇上一位富商去世后,留下脾气古怪、被所有人讨厌的高龄寡妇玛佳丽(雪莉·麦克雷恩 Shirley MacLaine 饰)。伯尼本着“对每个家属赋以最真诚同情和善意”的原则,热心接...
Waldo and Irene have been living with Margit for the four years that they have been engaged. Margit has planned the wedding and the honeymoon - in fact, Margit plans everything down to what they wil...