Goldie, a precocious teenager in a family shelter, wages war against the system to keep her sisters together while she pursues her dreams of being a dancer. This is a story about displaced youth, am...
【紅色羊齒草的故鄉】(Where the Red Fern Grows)在美國是由迪士尼發行DVD等影音產品,但是本片其實有點命多舛,當初原本於1999年就製作拍攝,但後來由於製片公司經營上發生問題,本片就被束之高閣,直到2003年5月才首度在 Tribeca 影展上推出,影音產品的發行代理權利,則是由美國迪士尼拿下,於2004年推出。 【紅色羊齒草的故鄉】 改編自 Wilson Rawls ...
The Deadly Companions is a 1961 Western film directed by Sam Peckinpah and starring Maureen O'Hara, Brian Keith, Steve Cochran, and Chill Wills. Based on the novel of the same name by A. S. Flei...