Albert and Bruno are in the red, compulsive consumers, over-indebted, they live between petty schemes for one and a personal life adrift for the other. It is in the associative path, which they both t...
Hart plans an innovative action film with unscripted, unexpected scenes to cement his legacy as the greatest. However, a blind spot leads him to fall victim to a vengeful plot from his past....
Tom Gormican 负责的FOX超自然题材单镜头喜剧《Ghosted》由Craig Robinson及 Adam Scott当主角,该喜剧被形容为类似《X档案 The X-Files》的喜剧版,讲述玩世不恭、热衷怀疑论的Leroy Wright(Craig Rob inson),与相信着超自然力量的天才Max Allison(Adam Scott),他们受聘于一个地下研究局,调查各种猖獗于洛...
风流倜傥的男主人公马克·玛隆尼埃(加斯帕德·普鲁斯特 Gaspard Proust饰),白天是仪表堂堂的文学评论家,晚上则是热衷出入社交界的专栏作家。他刚刚离婚,结束与妻子的三年爱情生活。他一直都很肯定爱情只能维持三年的说法,甚至专门写了一篇文章来论证这一观点。此时的他对婚姻持强烈的反对态度,并且扬言再也不相信爱情了。马克在祖母的葬礼上遇见了表嫂爱丽丝(露易丝·布尔昆 Louise Bourgoi...