Detective Jay Swan is assigned to investigate a mysterious disappearance on an outback cattle station. Soon, Jay's investigation uncovers a past injustice that threatens the fabric of the whole co...
Season one follows BEE, a jaded girl who plays a self-destructive game of hooking up with as many straight girls as possible, much to the disapproval of her best friend and roommate, OLIVIA--whose ene...
Season one follows BEE, a jaded girl who plays a self-destructive game of hooking up with as many straight girls as possible, much to the disapproval of her best friend and roommate, OLIVIA--whose ene...
《两世奇人Time After Time》由Kevin Williamson开发,根据1979年Karl Alexander的同名小说,以及根据小说所拍的电影改篇。电影版中Malcolm McDowell饰演H. G. Wells﹑David Warner饰演开膛手杰克 (Jack the Ripper),在电影中开膛手杰克真正身份就是外科医生Leslie John Stephenson,当苏格兰...