"MAGICIANS follows four world-class magicians on stage and off, exploring how and why these characters so passionately dedicate their lives to the craft of illusion. Their journey takes us from...
Ray Liotta (Goodfellas) delivers an intense, electrifying performance in this explosive follow-up to the gritty ur...
Explore the Andes mountains' extremes and celebrate the animals that call it home on a 4,000-mile journey along the western edge of South America, from icy Southern Patagonia to the oxygen-deprive...
卡洛琳(海伦·巴克森代尔 Helen Baxendale 饰)是一名在北爱尔兰驻扎的英国皇家宪兵队中士,她加入军队已经有十二年之久了。一天,卡洛琳忽然被别人举报是一名同性恋者,军方因此拘捕了卡洛琳,对她进行了长达四天的审讯,在当时,同性恋甚至被视作是一种犯罪,如果卡洛琳被坐实了这一身份,她有可能因此被送上军事法庭。
Ben Sherman is about to complete Phase 2 of his rookie year. During Phase 3, he will be allowed to patrol solo. Detective Adams and Officer Brown are assigned new partners. Rene Cordero, Adams's...