Zoo is set amidst a wave of violent animal attacks sweeping across the planet. A young renegade scientist is thrust into a race to unlock the mystery behind this pandemic before time runs out for an...
爱斯基摩犬的小主人亚当(Dominic Scott Kay)一心想参加即日举行的年度雪橇比赛,可是有伤心往事的爸爸只想他做棒球手,于是亚当日夜期盼奇迹发生:上天派给他五只小狗(加上他的爱斯基摩爱犬,刚好组成一支雪橇队)...
Three assassins deal with life, love, addiction and trust as each tries to find the answers to a better life. Together, they prove to be the most trustworthy in this tangled web of murder, greed, frie...