Based on a true story dating back to 1985 when two Polish boys, a teenager and his little brother, escaped from communist Poland all the way to Sweden, hidden under a truck. In the movie, their dest...
Hospital physician June Lowe and successful author Rick Lowe have a seemingly perfect marriage, the one sticking point between them being the issue of children. Rick wants June to give up her career s...
故事发生在17世纪的法国,达达尼昂(樊尚·埃尔巴兹 Vincent Elbaz 饰)是一名心里怀揣着梦想的天真少年,梦想着自己能够成为名扬千里的火枪手。只身一人来到巴黎的达达尼昂,在一场意外之中结识了三名真正的火枪手阿托斯(海诺·弗兹 Heino Ferch 饰)、波托斯(格莱高利·嘉德波瓦 Grégory Gadebois 饰)和阿拉米斯(格雷戈里·德朗杰尔 Grégori Derangère ...
巴娅(莎拉·弗里斯蒂 Sara Forestier 饰)是一名右翼人士,在当今的政坛上十分的活跃。她传播思想的方式非常独特——但凡跟她有过床笫之欢的右翼男士们,都纷纷投入到了左翼的阵营之中。从小就生活在多元而宽松的家庭氛围之中的巴娅自幼便是开放而又火热的性格,对待感情和性十分开放,这和保守又刻板的亚瑟(雅克·甘布林 Jacques Gamblin 饰)恰恰相反。 亚瑟是一名循规蹈矩的科学家,不幸...
The adventure begins when the loving owners of three irresistible pets (Chance, a fun-loving American bulldog pup; Sassy, a hilarious Himalayan cat who lives up to her name; and Shadow, a wise old gol...