After a public controversy left him disgraced and demonetized, a washed up internet personality tries to win back his followers by live-streaming himself spending one night alone in an abandoned haunt...
Set in 790AD, Vikingane features the daily challenges of people living in a small Viking village, from power struggle, brother rivalry, gender equality, to betrayal and friendship. "...
Set in 790AD, Vikingane features the daily challenges of people living in a small Viking village, from power struggle, brother rivalry, gender equality, to betrayal and friendship. "It's th...
Together with a group of friends, Hanne Mette viditint the abandoned ski, Svartsj?n as Hannes boyfriend, Johan, are planning to buy and reopen. The site, which lies far in the Swedish wilderness, has ...
Simultaneously appearing over every major city in the world, the Visitors (or V's) arrived offering us the wonders of their technology and promoting peace. While the world quickly embraced the V...
Jonathan is a very lonely man. One day, he gets a visitor in his house: a young woman who, through a jarring turn of events, ends up dead. He does not report it because he is happy to have a friend, b...