Peggy is an Indian girl with an unusual upbringing by a Chinese mother, and is often insulted and bullied by peers in school. One day, Marco from Hong Kong moves in next door, and through some odd cir...
Julian is a 12-year-old boy whose family is just scraping by in the Ruhr industrial region of Germany in the early 1960s . When his mother and younger sister go away for a while, he is left mostly a...
The seminal question of land and the displacement of Adivasi (Indigenous) Communities in India. All the governments that have ruled the nation made laws that denied the indigenous people their way o...
The historical rearguard last stand that took place on 13 July 1660 at a mountain pass in the vicinity of fort Vishalgad, near the city of Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India between the Maratha Warrior Ba...
Tells us about a girl named Larasati, trying to fulfill her deceased mother's last wish to deliver a box filled with letters from her past to an old guy lived in Prague. A story about forgivenes...