Borgen is a drama sensation from the producers of the acclaimed series The Killing. Following the intricate and complicated lives of politicians, media spinners and the reporters who feed off their tr...
When a botched potions experiment leaves Mildred with a whole new look, can she complete three impossible challenges and reverse the spell before the sun goes down?...
在监狱里度过了漫长的十九年后,新的DNA证据的出现终于还了丹尼尔(阿登·杨 Aden Young 饰)一个清白。然而,死囚监狱中的漫长岁月和巨大创伤无法挽回和修复,当丹尼尔重新回到了社会中时,他发现,一切早已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。
In 1983 before the giant Suvarnabhumi international airport was built, the neglected and unoccupied area was called "King Cobra Swamp" by the locals. As building commenced, a huge old Banyan...