Fundadoras da ONG de preservação ambiental Aruana, Natalie (Débora Falabella), Luísa (Leandra Leal) e Verônica (Taís Araújo) viajam para Cari, no interior do Amazonas, ao receberem uma denuncia sobr...
A Woman's Struggle to Find the Whereabouts of her Missing Sister. This Will Have to Fight Against the Negligence of the Institutions, The Prejudices of Loneliness and The Harassment of the Media...
This film’s Online Screening is available in the United States Only, requires an RSVP, and is viewable in the SXSW TV app ONLY. Once you’ve secured your RSVP, watch this film starting at 9am CT on T...
Trois agents de comédiens, aux personnalités hautes en couleur et aux vies personnelles compliquées, se battent au quotidien pour trouver les meilleurs rôles pour leurs prestigieux clients. Quand Ca...