As his mother’s illness progresses, a wealthy young man hires a perfect caregiver. But their lives start to spiral into a deadly affair as the caregiver seemingly tries to make herself a permanent fac...
Harry Novak, brings us a obscure but entertaining tale of the coming of age of a farmer's daughter, Moonbean (Terry Gibson), a red-head, busty country bumpkin who is the town's whore. She is c...
The story revolves around Jeanne, a brilliant architect who is entrusted with the renovation of a sumptuous manor house belonging to the rather strange Daguerre family, who sit atop a board games empi...
Claire and Migoy's relationship is tested when Claire falls in love with Migoy, her son's best friend. This further complicates when it is revealed that Migoy is also secretly in a relationshi...
This is the story of Eva Perón after her death. The embalmed body of “Evita” had an eventful journey that lasted for 22 years, and was every bit as eventful as her 33 years of life. Evita died in 1952...
Its a small unknown town where the government sticks its smartest and brightest citizens.