King Sombra曾经统治小马国边缘的水晶王国,带来了无尽的苦难。后来他被塞拉斯迪亚公主和露娜公主联合击败,变成阴影,并被放逐。 一千年后,King Sombra卷土重来,想要重新统治水晶王国。大公主希望暮光闪闪一行去保护水晶王国,免受King Sombra的再度袭击。他们克服重重困难和阻挠,去保护水晶王国,并让那里再度恢复生机。...
The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show is an American animated television program produced by Filmation for MGM Television in 1980, on CBS for Saturday mornings. The show lasted two seasons (with season two co...
While still trying to adjust to her new role as the Princess of Friendship, Twilight and friends follow a map to a village where the inhabitants mysteriously have no talents and are equal in every way...
在神仙教母的帮助下,辛蒂瑞拉(詹妮弗·黑尔 Jennifer Hale 配音)和王子(Christopher Daniel Barnes 配音)结合过上了幸福的生活。然而好景不长,邪恶的后母发现了辛蒂瑞拉魔法的秘密,她偷走了神仙教母的魔杖,施法使时光倒流到了辛蒂瑞拉未去参加舞会之时,几乎是一瞬间,辛蒂瑞拉重新变回了寄人篱下的灰姑娘,失去了所有的一切。 在魔法的作用下,辛蒂瑞拉那刻薄的姐姐安娜斯塔...