One of our favourite natural history subjects, the good old dinosaur, gets a makeover and then some in this fantastically ambitious and groundbreaking documentary. Based on cutting-edge palaeontology ...
Top Gear,是由BBC出品的一档汽车娱乐节目,自2002年改版推出,至今已经25季。脑回路清奇的创意、疯狂在燃烧的经费、堪比好莱坞的制作,它被称为全世界最好的汽车秀。本次,Top Gear第25季将于2月26起,在bilibili全网独播,每周一1000更新一集,前24季也将陆续上线。不解释了,赶紧上车吧。...
As a medical team tries to understand 10-year-old Maya Kowalski's rare illness, they begin to question her parents. Suddenly, Maya is in state custody - despite a family desperate to bring their d...
26 岁的杰克·保罗是拳击界的新救世主,还是营销技巧比他的拳头更有冲击力的“妄想症”推广人?这取决于你在《UNTOLD: Jake Paul the Problem Child》中问的是谁。本片大胆地深入探讨了一个来自俄亥俄州的天真孩子如何从网络红人变成体育界最具两极化的人。每有一个高调的批评者(UFC 主席白大拿),就会有另一个支持者(前职业拳击手迈克·泰森)站在他身边。2013 年,杰克和他的...