Comedy and Horror unite in this "The Breakfast Club" meets "Shaun of the Dead" tale about a group of oddball high school students who find themselves trapped in detention with thei...
弗雷德(亨弗莱·鲍嘉 Humphrey Bogart 饰)和鲍勃(提姆·霍尔特 Tim Holt 饰)是两名穷困潦倒的流浪汉,一日,在酒吧中,他们从精明智慧的霍华德(沃尔特·休斯顿 Walter Huston 饰)口中听闻了有关金矿的消息,走投无路的两人打起了淘金的主意,他们谎称是猎人,驻扎在了山上。经历了种种苦难的挫折,幸运的三人找到了金矿。然而,随着金砂数量的增加,原本相互信任的三人之间出现了...
西部开拓史(How the West Was Won)是一部1962年的史诗型式西部片。时间设定为1839年至1889年。情节是拓荒者普莱史考特一家人四代的故事,旁及各相关人事物;从中呈现半个世纪的美国西部历史。此片气势雄浑壮阔,编剧、取景、摄影、配乐、音效、导演、演员 阵容,各方面俱臻上乘水平。全片包括5个部分:《急流》、《平原》、《非法之徒》,由亨利·海瑟威执导;《南北战争》由约翰·福特导演;...
In this sequel to Code 8, Connor (Robbie Amell) is out of prison and working as a janitor at a community center, having cut ties with his former criminal associate Garrett (Stephen Amell). Connor’s at...