The origins of the Justice League are explained as Detective John Jones and Batman try to discover what the 'Centre' is, Superman and Wonder Woman are soldiers for the United States Army, Fl...
Five years after taking the fall for his younger brother, a tormented ex-con flees parole to find his kidnapped baby niece. One step ahead of the police, and one behind an unraveling criminal syndic...
奥兰多·布鲁姆、芙蕾达·平托、小莱斯利·奥多姆、Cynthia Erivo将主演约翰·雷德利(《美国重案》)执导新片《时栈中的指针》(Needle in a Timestack),Bron Studios制作。
基于Robert Silverberg写的短篇,雷德利改编剧本,设定在一个存在时间旅行的世界里,一对夫妻努力维系着婚姻,过去和现在总是摇摆不定。...