About a week after the Woods family move in to Xaos House, their daughter Ellie goes missing during a power cut. Ellie's mother Keira investigates and finds that the walls have strange symbols eng...
4集剧《游戏规则 Rules of the Game》由Ruth Fowler执笔,Maxine Peake已加盟剧组。当人力资源总监Maya来到「Fly」时,她试图改变公司的小圈子文化及调查不当行为,不过经理Sam(Maxine Peake饰)对女性的偏见使得Maya受到阻挠。但当某天Sam回到办公室并发现接待处有一具尸体后,Maya这下不止要处理现况,还得找出谋杀背后所隐瞒的秘密。...
Talitha Campbell, the arrogant daughter of a wealthy entrepreneur, is arrested following the disappearance of fellow student, Hannah Ellis, the hard-working daughter of a single mother.
From the ma...