"Tell Me Lies" follows a tumultuous but intoxicating relationship as it unfolds over the course of 8 years. When Lucy Albright (Grace Van Patten) and Stephen DeMarco (Jackson White) meet a...
Desperate to turn his life around, a hard-luck gambler risks everything to sell stolen casino chips to a ruthless gunslinger. It's the worst bet of his life....
When Umma wants a new dishwasher, Appa's determined to get the best deal. Janet adopts a new ysgou.cc name as Jung tries to get his job back at Handy....
卡塔林(希尔妲·佩特 Hilda Péter 饰)有着一段不堪回首的过往,她选择将糟糕的往事深深的埋藏在心底。成年之后,卡塔林遇见了现在的丈夫(拉茨洛·马特雷 László Mátray 饰),两人组成了家庭,生下了两个活泼可爱的儿子。
某一日,丈夫在无意之中发现了卡塔林的秘密,并且得知两个孩子之一的奥班(Norbert Tankó 饰)并非自己亲生。愤怒之中,丈夫将卡塔林和孩子赶出了家门。...