The film tells the story of how, in post-war Spain, Narcisa (played by Aria Bedmar), a novice with supernatural powers, arrives at a former convent, now a school for girls, to become a teacher. As t...
After committing a series of multiple murders, a neurologist visits an incarcerated killer, living in exile. She studies him and his brain and discovers the horror that lurks behind his violent impuls...
The movie follows the story of a PASKAU team led by Captain Adib and his mentor, Major Adnan, tasked with protecting humanitarians serving in war torn country, Namburi. On their return home, their pla...
Within the space of 24 hours, Feña is swept through the extremes of human emotion, when people who seemed to disappear when he transitioned are suddenly back in his life. What counts are not just th...