HOVER takes place in the near future, where environmental strain has caused food shortages around the world. Technology provides a narrow path forward, with agricultural drones maximizing the yield fr...
马戏团的表演因为呆板无趣而失去了观众,他们面临着破产和倒闭的危险,谁都不知道会不会有“救星”从天而降。流浪汉查理(查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin 饰)在游园会中被卷入了一个小偷的圈套中,招来警察的追捕。他像无头的苍蝇一样钻进了正在演出的马戏团。舞台上,查理 躲避警察的各种肢体动作,被观众当成马戏团的表演,他们非常喜欢查理的“表演”,热烈地鼓掌来。马戏团老板想让查理留下来,帮助马戏...
In this film, a couple, after seeing the lovely job a friend of theirs has done in converting an old mill house into a cozy mansion, moves into an old farmhouse after persuading the current owner, a...
一枚金币让探险家德克(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey饰)兴趣盎然,因为金币与某个宝藏传说有着千丝万缕的联系。而德克是个极喜冒险、一刻也停不下来的人,他在西非尼日尔河一带展开了一段曲折的探险之旅,关于这枚金币的秘密层层剥开。更为关键的是,他还发现了一个 足以危害人类毁灭地球的大危机——非洲一个独裁政权和当地富豪勾结,把核原料大量倾倒在海洋中。当地的人民已经深受其害,神志癫狂,如...
Santhosh, a youth who is struggling with 'Micro Penis Syndrome' marries Amrutha in an unavoidable situation but continues to postpone their first night nuptials. He comes across a Godwoman w...