Genre cinema lends itself to fruitful experimentation and Vourdalak is a prime example, offering ample opportunities for it along with dark, profound chills and a delightful Gothic atmosphere. A fathe...
Forced to travel with her boyfriend, Laine, she begins to experience premonitions associated with the urban myth of The Creeper. Laine believes that something supernatural has been summoned - and that...
Follows a young man very passionate about music. He has to come to terms with an uncertain future while balances his loving life, family and Brazilian culture in New Jersey....
Croatian erotic anthology of seven short stories directed by Irena Skoric, all revolving around sex and relationships. Five of the stories following the intimacies of straight couples, where the 6th...
Handsome and successful Jim appears to have it all: he's married to the beautiful and supportive Lisa, has a healthy baby, and works a cool gig as the director of hardcore porno fare. Jim's se...