Beno?t is a coward and a voyeur, who gets his kicks from watching other couples make out. He cajoles his two new companions to attempt what he has never dared do: rob the safe in his father's fact...
Morena Baccarin and Ryan Michelle Bathé star in the ultimate high-stakes showdown between criminal mastermind Elena Federova and FBI Agent Val Turner. When they play Elena’s game, deadly truths are re...
Together with a group of friends, Hanne Mette viditint the abandoned ski, Svartsj?n as Hannes boyfriend, Johan, are planning to buy and reopen. The site, which lies far in the Swedish wilderness, has ...
On a remote US Army facility a group of scientists conducting top secret weapon experiments vanish. An elite covert ops team comm...
Desperate to turn his life around, a hard-luck gambler risks everything to sell stolen casino chips to a ruthless gunslinger. It's the worst bet of his life....
Gilmore Girls is an American comedy-drama series created by Amy Sherman-Palladino, www. starring Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel. On October 5, 2000, the series debuted on the WB t...
Ray Liotta (Goodfellas) delivers an intense, electrifying performance in this explosive follow-up to the gritty ur...