故事发生在古希腊的雅典,赫米拉(奥利维娅·德哈维兰 Olivia de Havilland 饰)和拉山德(迪克·鲍威尔 Dick Powell 饰)深深的爱慕着彼此,可是两人的恋情却遭到了赫米拉家人的强烈反对,因为他们早已经给女儿相中了名为狄米特律斯(罗斯·亚历山大 Ross Alexander 饰)的男子作为夫婿。为此,赫米拉和拉山德决定私奔,并且逃到了一片森林之中。之后,赫米拉的好友海伦娜(琼...
Sin and Illy have a plan on a Greek island they want to get 'clean' on their own. But the intention of the two girls fails already on the way to the airport. Finally Sin realizes she has to go the way...