The stranded Colonials struggle to survive under the brutal Cylon rule of New Caprica, but when Galactica returns to save humanity, the fledgling Fleet resumes its search for Earth. The Cylons, afte...
Elizabeth Thatcher, a young school teacher from a wealthy Eastern family, migrates from the big city to teach school in a small coal mining town in the west....
1. The Boyz II Men Effect
2. When Country Goes Pop
3. Auto-Tune
4. Stockholm Syndrome
5. The Brill Building In 4 Songs
6. Festival Rising
7. Hail Britpop!
8. What Can A Song Do?...
A small time thief-turned-undercover cop teams up with his old criminal partners to infiltrate a street gang involved in a brutal war over territory....
Black Sabbath, Queen, The Stone Roses, Oasis, Coldplay, Simple Minds, Robert Plant and Manic Street Preachers are some of the greatest bands and musicians of our time, but what is the one thing these ...
A teenage girl living with schizophrenia begins to suspect her neighbor has kidnapped a child. Her parents try desperately to help her live a normal life, without exposing their own tragic secrets, an...