After his first love breaks his heart, a young American singer reluctantly leaves his home in San Diego, California and embarks on an epic road trip through Baja with his uncle in order to reconnect...
Ten years after a tidal wave destroys a small-town elementary school with all the children inside, a young man builds a mysterious structure out of the school's remains, setting the town aflame ...
玛丽(珍妮弗·琼斯 Jennifer Jones 饰)在意大利度假时邂逅了名为乔班尼(蒙哥马利·克利夫特 Montgomery Clift 饰)的男子,两人之间相互吸引,很快就走到了一起,相互陪伴度过了快乐的两天。然而,快乐的日子都是短暂的,玛丽即将离开意大利前往巴黎,乔班尼劝说玛丽留下来,留在他的身边,可是固执的玛丽却去意已决,这让乔班尼非常的愤怒,他失手打了玛丽。 悲伤的玛丽准备搭上前往...