Based on the haunting true stories told on a famous radio show, the new horror series “Terror Tuesday: Extreme” will bring eight stories to the screen directed by eight directors in eight episodes o...
The summer before she goes away to college, Tamara encounters a girl with a scar on her chest. As the summer winds on, she finds herself increasingly attracted to Heartless....
Aksorn搬到新宿舍后,发现卧室的镜子里住着一个人。Songiam是另一个世界的人,他们通过镜子相剧情简介识。随着故事的发展,Aksorn在一个网站上看到一本小说,而小说情节正是他和镜中人的故事。小说究竟是谁写的?作者又是如何知道Aksorn的经历? ~~改编自Hungrybird的网络小说"Memorie s in Letters" (ทรงจำในอักษร)...