Giorgio is a greedy adulterer who makes a deal with a serial killer (Michel Antoine) to dispose of his wealthy wife, Nora. Unfortunately, a thrill-seeking young couple steal the killer's car wit...
波利娜(西格妮·韦弗 Sigourney Weaver饰)曾经被一个男子施暴,被蒙着眼的她一直不知道罪人是谁,她的性格也变得神经兮兮。她的丈夫杰拉多(斯图尔特·威尔逊 Stuart Wilson饰)当选委员会主席后回到家中,就发现波利娜有着一些比平时更怪异的举动。她甚至把前来拜访的邻居米兰达(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley饰)的车子推落山崖,凭着米兰达车里的磁带“死亡和处女”,以及米兰达...
Based on the novel by Karel Capek, the prominent Czech writer of the early 20th century who coined the word robot for his play R.U.R., the story revolves around a discovery of Krakatit - a powerful ...
In the middle of Nowheresville lives 16-year-old Mike who wants out of his crappy life - permanently! Spending his time devising ways to do himself in, he considers the fatal brain tumor in his head a...
蒙面英雄佐罗(安东尼•霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)为了阻止西班牙总督蒙特罗滥杀无辜,突然从天而降,劫走了准备行刑的犯人,从而与蒙特罗结下深仇。随后,蒙特罗派部队跟踪了佐罗。在一片混战中,佐罗的妻子被杀死,还在襁褓中的女儿被虐走,佐罗也被投入了监牢。一晃眼二十年过去了,为了让自己的事业后继有人,佐罗带上面具逃出了监狱。蒙特罗这时仍然在作恶,他计划买下加利福尼亚的所有权。佐罗找到...