Abandoned by his father at the age of five and raised in near isolation by a loving, yet emotionally unstable and over-protective mother, the only life Peel Munter has ever known is within the confi...
九岁的小男孩米歇尔(乔瑟培·克里斯提亚诺 Giuseppe Cristiano饰)一日在玩耍的时候,无意间发现了地穴里的一个秘密。他惊讶的发现在这口地穴中囚禁着一个与他年纪相仿的金发男孩菲利普(马悌亚·狄·皮耶 Mattia Di Pierro饰),他被铁铐牢牢地锁着,弱小而无助。被震惊了的米歇尔立刻逃回家中,然而在好奇心的驱使下,他又一次前往地穴。他们都是用童话与想像化解着内心的恐惧,慢慢变成了...
It's down and dirty time. Splinter is imprisoned. Leo is dying of poison. Don and Usagi are fighting for their lives and the life of the Daimyo against a horde of assassins....
Spain, late 1980s. Newcomer Sara tries to fit in with the other teens in this tight-knit small town in the province of Tarrgona. If only she were more like her extroverted best friend, Rebe. They go o...