像所有旅客一样,米恩(约翰尼·哈里戴 Johnny Hallyday 饰)步下列车,没有人知道,这个看似普通的男人其实是一个江洋大盗,而信步闲庭的他,即将执行一项抢劫银行的计划。为了买治头痛的药,米恩来到了药店,在这里,他与名叫马斯奎特(让·雷谢夫 Jean Rochefort 饰)的男人相遇了,此时的他们还不知道,这次相遇将彻底改变两人的命运。
侯爵夫人梅特伊(格伦·克洛斯 Glenn Close 饰)和恶名昭彰的浮华浪子瓦尔蒙(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)是两个在情场可互相匹敌的朋友,利用性当作武器,去抵毁对方的名誉与地位。一日,梅特伊提出让瓦尔蒙去勾引16岁的贵族少女塞西尔(乌玛·瑟 曼 U ma Thurman 饰),使其失身从而身败名裂。而瓦尔蒙却认为这样太缺乏挑战,他非但引诱了纯洁的塞西尔。还追加赌注...
Did you know, in the quest for world domination, the Nazis built some of the biggest and deadliest pieces of military hardware and malevolent technology in history?
Creating huge ter...
Follows Myriam who is fighting against the construction of a roadblock, and Greg, a police officer who goes undercover to gather intelligence on this movement of protesters....