IMDB简介 Pierre married Florence, the only daughter of a small industrialist. 15 years later, he is the boss, but his middle-class life worries him a lot. When a new young and lovely secretary comes,...
法国青年瑞斯(乔纳森?莱斯?梅耶斯 Jonathan Rhys Meyers 饰)在大使馆中工作,同时他还是美国情报部门的见习人员,精明强干的瑞斯对“换车牌”,加窃听器之类的任务自然是驾轻就熟,但是他很快迎来了真正的挑战——配合探员瓦克斯(约翰?特拉沃塔 John Travolta 饰)在巴黎的行动。
Released in France as La Kermesse Heroique, Carnival in Flanders is set during the long-ago war between the Dutch and Spanish. A tiny village in Flanders is invaded by Spanish troops. The townsfolk ...
本片讲述的是一位落魄大厨和一位美女小说作家意外邂逅而碰擦出爱情火花的动人故事 A celebrity chef who is getting over a bad review and a romance novelist who can't seem to get her next book started meet accidentally at a French villa. ...